Wishlist Wednesday
*Insert heart eye emoji* Starting every Wednesday, I'll be compiling a wishlist of my favorites of the week.

1. Kendra Scott Earrings
I'm usually not a jewelry person, but these were a must when I saw these and work perfectly with this outfit.
2. Lace-Up Sandal
OB-FREAKIN-SESSED with these shoes. I've been loving the lace-up trend lately and have been looking for a brown pair with a heel that doesn't look like it belongs in a strip club and I think this is the perfect combo.
3. & 4. MAC Lipstick and Lipgloss
I did these two together because they really go hand in hand. My favorite thing to do is put on a lipstick for a base color and add lip gloss for that hi-def-extra glossy-Kylie Jenner look. Plus this is my favorite color and MAC is my favorite brand for lip products.
5. Maxi
Not only am I swooning over this dress color, but the style of this dress is making me swoon times 10. Pair it with wedges and a cardigan and you have a the perfect fall outfit.
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